
AdRx and advising records

AdRx is the IU enterprise solution for advising notes. All IU Indianapolis advisors should be using this system. You can find more details and resources about using AdRx below. 

How to gain access to AdRx

If you need access to AdRx, you will need to complete the following steps:

  1. Users need to have completed FERPA training and the Data Acceptable Use Agreement. You can check on a user’s current completion of these two requirements by entering their network ID (e.g., “jmdoe”) and then hitting tab on this compliance site (ignore the HRMS piece—that's for university employee data, not applicable here).
  2. Users should ask their unit’s data access coordinator to submit a DART request for AdRx access, requesting the appropriate profile (e.g., advisor, recorder).
  3. Users should then ask their unit’s advising administrator to create an AdRx profile of the same type requested in the DART system (e.g., advisor, recorder). If an advising administrator does not appear to have the ability to create profiles in AdRx, they may contact Tim O’Malley in the IU Office of Completion and Student Success to request that access.

AdRx resources

AdRx advisor training recording

View a recording of an advisor training session on utilizing AdRx in your work. If you don't already have access to this Kaltura playlist, email to request access.

This recording is temporarily unavailable via this page. Email for support in the meantime.


These guidelines were developed by members of the Campus Advising Council (CAC) and adopted by the CAC in May 2015. These guidelines are focused on the academic advisor role in AdRx. Career services professionals, student affairs educators, and registration and records staff may develop their own guidelines for appropriate use of AdRx.

Please consult with your office or school to determine whether unit-specific policies or procedures exist regarding the content of AdRx notes. Particularly note whether there is a unit-wide consensus on how to consistently identify appointment type, purpose, and discussion topic. Also consider training any student staff in your unit regarding appropriate AdRx usage.

Learn more about AdRx guidelines for advisors

Documenting interactions with students of concern

These guidelines were developed by the IU Office of Completion and Student Success and then adapted to our context at IU Indianapolis, specifically gathering feedback and insights from CAPS and the Office of Student Conduct. The Campus Advising Council adopted these guidelines for the IU Indianapolis campus to guide our work in responding to students of concern and documenting those interactions appropriately. This document provides guidance and language for documenting these interactions in AdRx.

View guidelines for documenting interactions with students of concern