Carlos Zapata
Interim President
JACADA is governed by the Steering Committee, which is comprised of the president, vice president, secretary, treasurer, NACADA liaison, and the chairs of the standing committees.
There shall be five standing committees of the association: Professional Development, Campus Affairs, Membership, Communications, and Research and Assessment. All committees shall be comprised of a chairperson and members.
There are four officers in JACADA: president, vice president, secretary, and treasurer. Each officer shall serve for a term of two years. The president and treasurer will serve their terms concurrently, as will the vice president and secretary. Terms commence on July 1 of each year. Officers cannot be elected for two consecutive terms for the same office.
The president shall preside at all meetings of the association and Steering Committee. The president is charged with oversight of all association activities and functions; serves as a spokesperson and representative of the association for campus committees, campus events, and at state/national conferences; may call special meetings of the Steering Committee; may appoint ad hoc committees as needed; and serves as an ex officio member of all standing and ad hoc committees.
The president may delegate some of the above responsibilities to other JACADA officers without approval of the Steering Committee. The president will also write the annual report of the organization and submit it to the Steering Committee prior to the annual meeting.
The vice president shall perform the duties and responsibilities of the president during the president’s absence and, when so acting, shall exercise the powers of the president. If the presidential position becomes vacant, for whatever reason, the vice president will assume the position for the remainder of the original presidential term.
The secretary shall keep records of all meetings of the association and the Steering Committee and shall give notice of all meetings to all members.
The treasurer shall have custody of all JACADA funds and must be knowledgeable of university guidelines governing institutional funds. Assets maintained outside the university shall be placed in a federally insured depository institution approved by the Steering Committee. The treasurer shall also maintain a register accounting for all receipts and disbursements. The treasurer will also write the annual report of association funds. The treasurer will submit the annual report and present the account register to the Steering Committee for audit each year prior to the annual meeting. The fiscal year shall be from July 1 through June 30.
Carlos Zapata
Interim President
Ashley Msikinya
Interim Vice President
Heather Long
Tradara McLaurine
Ex-Officio Consultant