Chemistry placement updates—spring 2017
Instructions for students on chemistry placement exam access
The Chemistry Placement Examination is an assessment to evaluate readiness for college-level chemistry courses. Directing students to courses where they will be better able to succeed is a priority for the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology. Success in science curricula depends upon matching your level of content expertise to the expectations in the entry-level courses as you transition to study here. Our assessment involves review of prerequisites, prior chemistry courses, chemistry placement scores, and ALEKS mathematics placement scores. Your conversation with an academic advisor is essential to weigh these various components for the optimum placement.
The Chemistry Placement Examination is an open-book, 45-minute online tool to evaluate readiness to begin the main science major sequence, Chemistry-C 105–106. You cannot receive assistance from any person during the examination to ensure accuracy of the placement process. The exam can be taken on any computer with reliable Internet access, but mobile devices or pads are not suitable for testing. You must have a valid IU username, and you will only be allowed one attempt at the examination. The student connects to the address:
In this process, you may be asked for an access code and you should enter “chem4178” in the box. This access code will be valid through August 18, 2017. Click on the Enroll in Course button. You should also click on Announcement to see if there are any specific updates or news relating to the placement process.
Your score will be provided to you at the conclusion of the exam. This data will be uploaded to your IUPUI placement score record and will become available to advisors who can assist as needed in determining the appropriate chemistry class.
Be sure to log off at the completion of the exam.
Summer and Fall 2017 Enrollments
Contact information
Marie Nuguyen
Lecturer, Academic AdvisorDepartment of Chemistry
(317) 274-6894